Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yahoo! Messenger Decoder Updated

I'm working yet another case that involves Yahoo! Messenger Archives. I tried using JAD Software's excellent Internet Evidence Finder for this and it worked pretty well, but in the interest of double-checking my tools, I brushed off my old script that I'd written a few years ago. It used to be interactive, meaning it was run with no arguments and would prompt for a username and a filename to parse, this was less than ideal for parsing a large number of files.

I have remedied that situation. The script now takes three arguments, one optional. The first is the username for the archive. Yahoo! Messenger Archives are xor'd with the username. The second argument is the name of the other party to the conversation and the third argument is the name of the dat file to process.

The nice thing about this is that you can now create a for loop like the following from a Linux environment and parse multiple files at once:

for i in $(ls *.dat); do echo; echo "== Parsing $i =="; --username=joebob --other_party=billybob --file=$i; echo "== Finished parsing $i =="; echo; done

The output of this for loop can be redirected to a file.

My script is still not perfect. On some dat files it doesn't properly xor the data and yields garbage. I have not determined why that is the case yet.

As for IEF, I'm not sure why, but running it over the same dat files as my script, it dropped some portions of the conversation. I will be reporting the issue to JAD. But it's yet another reminder of the importance of testing your tools and confirming results.

update: After posting this, I remembered that Jeff Bryner had written a utility for this and it is still vastly superior to my own. I just verified that the link I have to his yim2text still works. Check it out.

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