Monday, March 30, 2015

Kansa: Get-LogparserStack.ps1

Kansa is an incident response framework written in PowerShell, useful for data collection and analysis. Most of the analysis capabilities in Kansa require Logparser, which is a very handy tool for creating SQL-like queries over data sets that may be comprised of a single file or many files.

Because adversaries usually want to leave a small footprint, one technique for finding them is frequency analysis -- looking for outliers across many systems. This technique has been written about before. As such, most of the analysis tools in Kansa are scripts that stack-rank or perform frequency analysis of specific fields in a given data set. Some examples include:
  • Get-ASEPImagePathMD5Stack.ps1
  • Get-ASEPImagePathLaunchStringMD5UnsignedStack.ps1
  • Get-ASEPImagePathLaunchStringMD5UnsignedTimeStack.ps1
  • ...
And the list goes on. These script names are fairly descriptive, but they are a mouthful and they are not very flexible as they contain hardcoded Logparser queries with set field names.

Kansa needed a more flexible stack-ranking solution and now it has one.

Get-LogparserStack.ps1 can be used to perform frequency analysis against any delimited file or set of files, so long as the set all has the same schema and the same header row across each file. Unlike all other Kansa utilities, Get-LogparserStack.ps1 is interactive. After reading the first two lines of each input file and confirming that they all have the same header row, the script prompts the user for the field she wishes to pass to Logparser's COUNT() function, then the script prompts the user for the fields she wishes to GROUP BY.

Below is a screen shot of the script in action against a small set of Autorunsc data from five systems. The frequency analysis is against the "Image Path" field with both "Image Path" and MD5 being added to the GROUP BY clause. As you can see in the screen shot, the resulting query quickly bubbles up an outlier, a dll from one system does not match the same dll from the other four systems.
Figure 1: Get-Logparser.ps1 quickly shows that one dll is not like the others.
Get-LogparserStack.ps1 is a new utility and as such, may mature a bit in time. One potential feature would be to make it non-interactive, so it can be scripted.

As with nearly all of the scripts that make up Kansa, Get-LogparserStack.ps1 can be used in conjunction with Logparser.exe outside the framework to perform frequency analysis of any data set, providing the schemas match and each file in the set has a header row.

If you use it and encounter any bugs, please open an issue in Kansa's GitHub page.

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