Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Feldman's product or idea maturity model

Photo courtesy of cybreton at
I was listening to Gary McGraw's Silver Bullet Security Podcast Show 002 where Dan Geer was the victim.

If you haven't listened to the Silver Bullet Podcast, it is a series of interviews with information security luminaries. I find most of the guests to be fascinating and Geer was obviously no exception. He had many great things to say.

One of the things Geer mentioned during the show was that he used to attend talks by Stu Feldman a computer scientist forged in the bowels of Bell Labs, what an amazing place that must have been to work. Feldman is the creator of the make utility and is currently the VP of Engineering at Google.

Apparently Feldman had this concept for evaluating the maturity or quality of an idea, concept or product. After the show, I searched for it online and couldn't find it, so I thought I'd share it here in hopes that maybe Google will index it and others could find it later and know who to attribute it to.

Feldman's model has five levels so they can be tracked on one hand. Here it is:

1. You have a good idea.
2. You can make it work.
3. You convince a gullible friend to try it.
4. People stop asking why you're doing it.
5. People start asking others why they aren't doing it.

That's it Feldman's method for evaluating the maturity of a product or idea. With apologies to Mr. Feldman for publishing this without his permission.

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