Tuesday, October 7, 2008

SANS' Web App Pen Testing In Depth Day Four

Day four rocked. It was exploit day and sure all the stuff leading up to exploitation is important, but there's nothing like the joy derived from breaking stuff. And the exercises were more complicated, which I think it good and I may be wrong about this, but I think there were more exercises on day four.

I played around with some interesting tools that I hadn't used before, BeEF for one, and Kevin talked about some tools and ideas that are being developed by him and his colleagues at InGuardians. What a great bunch of minds at InGuardians. I aspire to be like the folks in that company and to work with a similar group of people.

The class wrapped up with an overview of the materials and the process. I'm excited for Kevin going forward. He's put together a good course and it's only going to get better when the six day version comes out.

I stand by my earlier statements about Kevin. He's a great teacher and a judging from the two nights I had the good fortune to have dinner with him and hangout for a bit, he's a quality human being. I've had some brilliant instructors over the years and they knew it and the result was that they were not very approachable. Kevin is a fantastic instructor and two days in a row invited anyone from the class to join him for dinner.

If you're looking to get started in web app pen testing, or you've been doing it for a little while and aren't sure about your methods, I strongly recommend this course. I had some experience with web app pen testing prior to taking the course. The result for me was that the first couple of days were mostly review with a few new nuggets here and there, but day three and especially day four really broke some new ground for me. The entire course also validated my own methods and as an aspiring instructor, it was great to watch Kevin teach the class. He's a natural and I am looking forward to seeing him again at a future con. I hope I can make it to Shmoo in February and maybe catch him there if he attends.

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